Planwell Meetwell®
The COVID–19 pandemic has turned our world upside down. As we enter the next normal, we can help you rethink and redesign your guest experience, safely and securely. Whether it’s face–to–face, digital or a hybrid, we’ve got you covered.
Backed by Behavioral Science
The COVID–19 pandemic has changed human behavior in ways that mean more focus on safety and security not only now, but in the future.
We can flourish from this pandemic by focusing event design on the deep understanding of human needs and motivations. At Maritz Global Events, our design methodology uses data and behavioral science principles to better understand the human condition and create unique and innovative experiences.
Learn more about The New Psychology of Face–to–Face Meetings and Events.
A Systematic Approach to Understanding Your Guests
While logistics are critical to the successful execution of an event, let’s take a step back.
The Planwell Meetwell system is focused on giving guests an opportunity to express their travel and event attendance concerns. We use this survey data along with design, validation and core content communication recommendations to help you determine the best approach for your business and guests.
This people–centered design approach helps you confidently make decisions to help your guests feel safe, secure and comfortable in their return to an event.